Whitesboro Divorce Lawyer
Located in central New York just west of Utica, Whitesboro, New York is a very small area that spans just over one square mile. This town has an average population per square mile (as compared to the rest of the United States) of roughly 3,700 residents. Of these residents who are over the age of 15, approximately 40% are married, and 13% are divorced as of 2010. This statistic does not include previous divorces, or any that have taken place since 2010. There are statistics that show the rate of divorce among first time marriages can range up to 50%, and 60% for second marriages.
If you are a resident of Whitesboro, New York, and you are considering divorce, or marriage, then you should speak with a representative from our firm to learn more about this situation. One major issue that you should be aware of is property division at the conclusion of a divorce. New York is an equitable distribution state which means that all marital assets will be evenly distributed at the conclusion of a divorce unless there is a prenuptial agreement or postnuptial agreement in place.
The estimated median annual income of workers in Whitesboro, New York was just over $40,000, per capita was $22,000. This means, that in the case of a divorce, if you fall under the average median income, then you could face serious financial hardships due to various support payments, maintenance, and other financial constraints on your income. If you are facing divorce, then you need skilled representation on your side that understands the severity of your case, and can provide you with the assistance that you need.
Representing Whitesboro, New York Residents
At the Law Office of Diane Martin-Grande, we have many years of experience in representing the residents of Whitesboro, New York and the surrounding areas. If you are facing a family law matter, then look to our firm for the representation you need.
While there are hundreds of other law firms that practice the same areas that we do, we provide three elements that distinguish us from these other firms:
- The personal attention we provide our clients with
- Our attention to detail
- Our understanding of the process
We understand the severity of the situation that you face, and you can count on us for the legal assistance that you need on your side.
Resources for Whitesboro, New York
Your case is important to us; let us put our experience and skill to work for you. Contact us today to discuss your case and to learn more about how we can help you.